Monday, March 26, 2012

Act 2

               I think this play gets more interesting by the second. Helmer still stays the sexist man he is. In end karma hits him hard. It's a secret so make such to read Act 3 :] He still says rude things to her. "Nice? To do what your husband says? Alright little scatterbrain, I know you didn't mean it like that."(168) What is wrong with him? Where is his respect for Nora?  That is just plan out rude. My impression of Nora has not change. She is a women who loves money way to much. Dr. Rank is dying and she still has the audacity to want to ask him for money. She flirts with him saying " You shan't see another thing, you've been very naughty" The only thing I want to ask Nora is how so can stoop so low to flirt with a dying man for his money? When Dr. Rank tells Nora his feelings for her she gets upset. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? She must feel guilty to want to ask him for money after he just told her his feelings. She should feel that way.
the cute version of what Nora whats do do to herself
                 Krogstad should just leave Nora only. He already lost his job so, what is he going to get from ruining Nora's marriage. He is being beyond spiteful and Nora is freaking out. She doesn't want Helmer to get the letter Krogstad left for him. Nora turns to Mrs. Linde for some help. It seems like Nora will go to the end of the Earth to stop Helmer from finding out her secret. Mrs. Linde agrees to go talk to Krogstad for Nora but does Mrs. Linde have another reason to talk to Krogstad?  Nora is acting pretty strange and Helmer doesn't seem to notice. Nora doesn't want Helmer to get the letter so she tell him to help her practice the tarantella. " Yes, terribly worried. Let me rehearse it now- there is still time before dinner. Sit down and play for me Torvald dear; criticize me and show me where I'm wrong, the way you always do" (203)  Nora needs to stop putting on such an act to protect one letter and just tell Helmer. In the end, Mrs. Linde comes back from Krogstad house and says he wasn't there. Nora then decides to commit suicide. "seven hours till midnight. Then twenty-four hours till midnight tomorrow. Then the tarantella will be over. Twenty-four and seven......... thirty-one hours to live." (206) She is so dumb to give up her life because Helmer will find out. I don't think she is thinking at all. She doesn't even know if Helmer would be mad at her.


jennica :] said...

i left a comment on mia, rebecca, ashely, and shanice blog

Kieyara ;D said...

Glad you're back in class lol and also the bear with scissors are adorable <3 Nora is really stupid just saying