Thursday, March 29, 2012

Alternate Ending :]

Helmer: [sinking down on a chair by the door and burying his face in his hands]: Nora! Nora! [He rises and looks around] Empty! She's not here any more! [With a glimmer of hope] 'The greatest miracle of all....? [ He gets up and runs through the door] I will not let her go god dammit. She is my wife and her life is meant to be with me. [ He catches up to Nora and forcefully grabs her arm and brings her back inside the house ]
Nora:[yells] Let me go! You are hurting me Helmer! I am no longer your wife. You have no right to treat me like this. [ she tries to get out of helmers grasp but with no avail.]
Helmer:[ a smile on his face] Shut up you wretched women! [hits her across the cheek] you wanted to me to change, and so i have. I have changed into a man you are going to wish you never married.
Nora: [trembling]What are you going to do with me?
Helmer: Oh my little songbird. I'm going to put you in a place where no one can here you sing again.[ he starts to drag her to his study]
Nora: No! [grabs the nearest object and strikes Helmer on the back on his head]
Helmer:[curses in pain and lets go of Nora] You incompetent woman! [touches the back of his hand to find that there was blood]
Nora:[starts to run but Helmer grabs her by the hair and puts her in the study] Stop it helmer !
Helmer: You did this to yourself. No one will come to save you now. If I can't have you, then no one will. [He takes out a gun from his desk drawer]
Nora: You can't do this Torvald ! Think about the children and-
Helmer: You did not think about the children when you were about to walk out that door and leave! [Takes the safety of the gun and aims it at Nora] All little songbirds have to die sometime.
Dr. Rank:[Enters the house  to see a broken lamp on the floor and blood. He immediately thinks Nora is in danger] Nora! [he screams] Where are you?
Helmer: Listen to me Nora, you will stay in here and not make a sound if you do I won't waste any time shooting Dr. Rank and the coming back to shoot you.
Nora: Yes Helmer.
[Helmer walks out his study and closes the door behind him. He meets with Dr. rank in the dining room with the gun in his pocket. Nora peeks the door open and watches the whole scene]
Helmer: Do you need something Dr. Rank?
Dr. Rank: Oh thank goodness I thought something terrible happened here. Where is Nora?
Helmer: She is with the children.
Dr. Rank: Well, I have come to tell my closets friends that i will not be dying. My health is surprising getting better by the day.
Helmer: That is great news old friend.
Dr. Rank: Is something the matter Torvald? [He looks at trovald with a worried expression and looks him over] Whose blood is that on you hand Torvald ?
Helmer: Mine. I hit my head.
Dr. Rank: Oh really or did Nora use that lamp to hit the back of your head? Where is Nora Helmer? What have you done?
Helmer: I wish i didn't have to do this. [ He starts to take out his gun] You know too much old friend
[ Nora comes rushing into the room and tackles Helmer to the ground]
Nora: No ! I wont let you kill Dr. Rank.
Helmer: Get off of me ! [ He pushes her off and aims the gun at her]
[ Dr. Rank punches Helmer in the face before he can have the chance to shoot. Helmer drops the gun and heads to Dr. Rank with his fists clenching.]
Helmer: you shouldn't have done that
Dr. Rank: I'll do what I must to protect the woman I love.
Helmer: You too deserve to die together. [Helmer runs towards Dr. rank and attempts to punch him in the face. Dr. Rank dodges it and then roundhouse kicks Helmer. Helmer is now on the floor with Dr. rank on top of him punching him in the face]
Nora: [yells] Stop it you two! Stop it right now! [she finds the gun on the floor picks it up and aims it at the two men rolling around on the floor. She closes her eyes and pulls the trigger.]
Dr. Rank: [gets off Helmer dead body] Give me the gun Nora.
Nora: What have I done? [she drops the gun]
Dr. Rank:[Holds Nora in his arms] I will never let you go ever again. I love you Nora
Nora: Oh Dr. Rank I Love you too.

1 Month Later

Dr. Rank: Nora sweetie, Mrs. Linde and Krogstad are outside waiting for us.
Nora: Thank you. You know Dr. Rank. I appreciate all you have done for me. You didn't have to fight for me but you did and I am so happy to have you in my life.
Dr. Rank: Nora you are worth fighting for. [kisses her on the lips]


Monday, March 26, 2012

Act 2

               I think this play gets more interesting by the second. Helmer still stays the sexist man he is. In end karma hits him hard. It's a secret so make such to read Act 3 :] He still says rude things to her. "Nice? To do what your husband says? Alright little scatterbrain, I know you didn't mean it like that."(168) What is wrong with him? Where is his respect for Nora?  That is just plan out rude. My impression of Nora has not change. She is a women who loves money way to much. Dr. Rank is dying and she still has the audacity to want to ask him for money. She flirts with him saying " You shan't see another thing, you've been very naughty" The only thing I want to ask Nora is how so can stoop so low to flirt with a dying man for his money? When Dr. Rank tells Nora his feelings for her she gets upset. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? She must feel guilty to want to ask him for money after he just told her his feelings. She should feel that way.
the cute version of what Nora whats do do to herself
                 Krogstad should just leave Nora only. He already lost his job so, what is he going to get from ruining Nora's marriage. He is being beyond spiteful and Nora is freaking out. She doesn't want Helmer to get the letter Krogstad left for him. Nora turns to Mrs. Linde for some help. It seems like Nora will go to the end of the Earth to stop Helmer from finding out her secret. Mrs. Linde agrees to go talk to Krogstad for Nora but does Mrs. Linde have another reason to talk to Krogstad?  Nora is acting pretty strange and Helmer doesn't seem to notice. Nora doesn't want Helmer to get the letter so she tell him to help her practice the tarantella. " Yes, terribly worried. Let me rehearse it now- there is still time before dinner. Sit down and play for me Torvald dear; criticize me and show me where I'm wrong, the way you always do" (203)  Nora needs to stop putting on such an act to protect one letter and just tell Helmer. In the end, Mrs. Linde comes back from Krogstad house and says he wasn't there. Nora then decides to commit suicide. "seven hours till midnight. Then twenty-four hours till midnight tomorrow. Then the tarantella will be over. Twenty-four and seven......... thirty-one hours to live." (206) She is so dumb to give up her life because Helmer will find out. I don't think she is thinking at all. She doesn't even know if Helmer would be mad at her.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Act 1

 Nora reminds me of someone whose very cocky but whats works hard to get what she wants. She is very money needy and materailistic also. "Ten- Twenty- thirty- forty ! Oh thank you torvald, thank. This'll keep me going for a long time."  She seemed way to happy to get this much money when she is just going to squander it away. Now that Helmer is getting an advancement in his job, it seems like Nora will be expecting more money. I think Nora needs to stop lying to Helmer and tell him the truth. How would she feel if Helmer kept a huge secret away from her? The longer she keeps it the worst it gets. This situation reminds me of the movie Jumping the Broom. They had a huge family secret and when it finally came out in the open it broke up a wedding and nearly destroyed a family. Knowing that Helmer said " theres something constrained, something ugly even, about a home that founded on borrowing and debt"(page 149) she should come clean.

This remind of Nora and how guilty she feel about keeping this secret from Helmer
I think Helmer should have more respect for Nora. She is not a little girl and he should realize that. I think Helmer is an okay guy. He is nice enough to get Mrs. Linde a job at the bank. He should also keep a better eye out on his wife. she might not be as dependant on him as he thinks. "Yes Torvald i can't do anything without you to help me," This is ironic considering that Nora has been doing all this stuff on her own behind his back. She was copying papers and borrowing money all on her own time. I think Mrs. Linde and Dr. Rank have a secret past. Judging by the way Mrs.Linde acted when she saw Dr. Rank suggested that might of had something  going on. Will they get together or remain friends? Even though Dr. Rank is depressed and his disease might not get any better, I think Mrs. Linde is a good match for him. Krogstad has a corrupt mind. He has NO RIGHT to blackmail Nora ! She is paying her back the money she owes him so who does he think he is using her to save him job. It's downright mean. Krogstad uses people to get what he want and karma is going to get him back. If I was Nora I would find some way to get back at him.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

a doll's house video :]

Henrik Ibsen Facts

          Hii, I’m Jennica and the main thing about me is I like to read. The best thing I liked about English this year was reading the story The Alchemist. I enjoyed reading it. :]

           Henrik Ibsen was born on March 20th 1828 in Skein, Norway. His mother was a painter and played the piano and his father was a merchant. At the age of 8, his father went bankrupt. This was a shattering blow to the family. When he left home at the age of 15, he spent the next six years as a pharmacist's assistant. He wrote his first play, Catilina, in 1849 in the town of Grimstad. In 1850 he moved to Christiania to get ready for examinations at the University of Christiania.
          In 1851 he was offered a job as manger and director of a theater in Bergen. His plays were unsuccessful and even though he didn’t become a good director, his years in Bergen gave him a lot of experience. He left Norway in 1852 and settles in Italy. He wrote his next play, Brand, in 1865. The play made him famous in Scandinavia. Two years later, Ibsen created one of his masterworks, Peer Gynt. He then lived in Germany for some time. While he was there he saw a play, The Pillars of Society, Which helped him launch his career and sometime after that he wrote another famous play called A Doll’s House. He married Suzannah Daae Thoresen in 1805 and had one son. In 1891 Ibsen returned to Norway as a internationally known playwright. In the 1900’s Ibsen had a series of strokes which enabled him to write. He then died on may 23 1906.
            I think the title of a doll’s house has something to do with many character going through a conflict. I believe this because when I think of dolls I think of dolls paying together. I think the play focus on one character and the things he or she goes through. I believe this because during the time when Ibsen wrote the play, he questioned the accepted social practices of the times. It may have to do with the way things were backed then.